7 Things to do Before Botox Treatment

Botox injections are a medical procedure and should always be carried out by a trained and experienced cosmetic surgeon. Before you have the Botox treatment there are several things you need to do to ensure the best results and reduce the chance of any negative side affects such as prevent bruising. Here is a checklist of 7 tips to help you out: –

  • Choosing the right doctor can make a world of difference to your Botox results. The doctor should be board certified, trained and experienced in facial anatomy and Botox treatment. He or she will then understand what each facial muscle does and where the best place is for the injections for the wrinkles or lines you want to have removed. Never allow just anyone to do the injections.
  • Tell your doctor all about your health and medical history. He needs to know if you are pregnant, what conditions, if any, you have and what medication or supplements you are taking.
  • Go off blood thinning medication and supplements before the treatment so that there will be less bruising. Vitamin E, fish oil, Ginseng and Gingko Bilboa are all supplements that thin blood. Aspirin is also a blood thinner as other prescription medications may also be.
  • Avoid drinking alcohol for a few days before the injections.

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Why Liposuction is Better than Laser Treatments for Fat Reduction

Sometimes, the term fat reduction is used interchangeably with weight loss. When it comes to liposuction this is cannot be done. Liposuction may cause weight loss and usually does, because the fatty deposits are sucked out of your body. However, it is actually done to improve the shape of the body by removing lumpy parts caused by fat, not for weight loss alone.

However, many people do delight in the fact that liposuction removes their love handles and other lumps and bumps caused by those fatty deposits that are so difficult to get rid of by diet and exercising. In fact, liposuction works much better than laser treatments for this type of fat reduction. Why?

It addresses the problem directly

Liposuction works by removing the fat directly without damaging the surface of the skin apart from where the cut is made. This leaves small scars, often only 3mm long, which heal quickly and fade away to nothing in most cases. While liposuction is considered to be invasive surgery due to the fact that it requires incisions, it can be a better choice than laser treatment because it is a more direct way of fat removal and more suitable to treatment of large areas.

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Beauty Tips

10 Top Beauty Tips

There are many things in this world that conspire to ruin our looks, from pollution in the air to the stress we deal with on a daily basis. Most women are interested in tips to make their skin glow and other aspects of the face and body look better than they would if left neglected. Here are 10 top beauty tips that will help you make the most of what Mother Nature gave you.

  • Stay hydrated. Drinking plenty of water is one of the best ways to keep your complexion looking smooth. According to experts, the body is 70% water so getting plenty of this simple substance is vital, yet one of the easiest things to do.
  • Get plenty of sleep. If you don’t want bags under your eyes, you must have at least 8 hours of quality sleep per night. So make the bedroom dark and quiet and use bedding made from natural fibres so you don’t perspire all night.
  • Cut back on stress. Stress makes you frown and in no time those wrinkles between your eyebrows and on your forehead will become deep and obvious, making you look older than you are. If you can’t remove stress, take up meditation or yoga, or learn other ways to deal with it.
  • Use organic skin care and beauty products that don’t have chemicals such as Parabens in them. These chemicals are no good for your body or your skin. Many are carcinogens – linked to cancer. Other harsh chemicals to avoid are benzophenone, another carcinogen, butylated compounds (BHA) which are banned in Europe, Formaldehyde, Triclosan which is linked to antibiotic resistance and hormone disruption. There are too many others to mention here.

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5 Benefits of Cosmetic Surgery

Cosmetic surgery is not about being vain; it is about making the most of your looks. Nature gives us all good points and bad points so making the most of the former and the lessening the impact of the latter will ensure we look our best. There are many benefits of having cosmetic surgery to overcome what is perceived as a bad point. Here are some of them.

  • More confidence. If you worry excessively about how you look, it usually means you lack confidence. You feel bad about yourself and think that others may look down on you because of how you look. Sadly, this could be true. These days people are more than ever conscious of their body image and strive for perfection, however unreal that may be.

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Is Breast Augmentation Right for You?

Many women who are dissatisfied with the size or shape of their breasts have breast augmentation surgery. Basically, silicone or saline implants are inserted into the breast after the cosmetic surgeon makes an incision in the breast. There are three possible places for this incision; under the breast, around the areola – the pink part – or under the arm.

While the surgeon must assess your particular body shape before deciding, most women have the incision under the fold of the breast where the scar cannot be seen. In any case, scarring is not a matter to worry about. The scars are not very noticeable and as they heal they become even less so.

Do it for yourself, not someone else

Before you decide on this kind of cosmetic surgery, you need to ask yourself why you want it and what you expect to gain from it. It’s important to only have it if you make the decision for yourself. Don’t be pushed into by someone else who is not satisfied with your body shape. It is your body and the only person who should want to change it is you.

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