Healthy Finances

How Healthy Finances Equals a Healthy Lifestyle

It seems amazing in this day and age of technology that so many people don’t know how to handle their finances. Financial advisors like Andep will tell you that nearly everyone could make better use of their income with a little financial planning. Getting a financial advisor to help you create a financial plan for your income and needs can improve your lifestyle and even your health.

In fact, if people would just stop and think about it, they would realise how healthy finances equals a healthy lifestyle. Here’s how.

  • When you don’t have to worry and stress about your budget you will be healthier. This means that you save a lot on visits to a doctor, on medications and on days off work. It also means you will feel more like doing fun things – and be able to do them with the money you saved on doctors.
  • When you have good finances you can spend more on good quality food, so you and your children will be healthier, again saving on the costs of illness. Being healthier means your quality of life will improve as you’ll feel more like doing things that are energetic with your children or spouse. You’ll also have enough money to spend on doing them.

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Health Benefits of Red Wine

The Health Benefits of Red Wine

Even though you may hate the thought of cleaning up the carpet after a spill of red wine, there are some health benefits to be gained by drinking it. In fact, many people like to drink it anyway, whether it has health benefits or not. If you are worried about your carpet, says Brilliance carpet cleaning you should simply learn the best way to do it and keep cloths on hand so that it is quick and easy to do.

In fact, soaking up and stain immediately with paper towels is a good start, but if the stain doesn’t come out you can always get the professional cleaners in. Meanwhile, stop worrying about it and enjoy your relaxing meal with that nice wine.

Here are the health benefit of red wine.

  • Wine is a great relaxant for those who are stressed or even too tired to sleep. When you are really tired, it is sometimes difficult to fall asleep because your brain seems to be going around at a fast pace even after going to bed. A glass of red will help you to relax and get a good night’s sleep. Once you are well rested, you’ll feel great the next day.
  • Red wine is made from the skins of grapes, as well as the flesh. The skin is where the colour comes from and it contains very good anti-oxidants called resveratrol and flavonoids that are good for your heart and help to decrease the ‘bad’ cholesterol and increase the ‘good’ cholesterol in your body. And as we all know, bad cholesterol sticks to the arteries and interferes with the blood flow, which can cause heart problems.

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How to Overcome Addiction

Addiction to drugs is a serious health risk that has the potential to ruin your life as well as the lives of your loved ones.  Once you realise you are addicted you may want to find ways and means of overcoming the addiction. Booking into drug rehab is by far the best and easiest way to achieve your goal simply because there are many experienced and qualified staff to help you day and night.

First you need to set some goals so that you will know exactly what you want to achieve. While overcoming drugs will need help, if you are addicted to something like alcohol you may not want to stop drinking altogether, but only enough to save your relationships or to achieve some other goal such as safe driving. It’s important to know what your goal is before you start as that will help you know how to proceed.

One problem is that while some people who smoke or drink are addicted to those things, other people can smoke or drink the same amount without being addicted. They can stop just like that with no withdrawal symptoms at all and no going back to it. You will know if you are addicted if you keep doing it even though you’ve decided not to.

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Restore Damaged Teeth

4 Ways to Restore Damaged Teeth

Teeth do a lot of hard work over a lifetime and can be damaged when you chew something hard, if you grind your teeth at night or from a trauma such as from playing sport or some other accidental injury. A good dentist such as Candlewood Dental Centre will very likely be able to restore a damaged tooth, if it is not too badly damaged.

The main thing to remember is to seek treatment as soon as possible after the damage occurs, because once the tooth is damaged it is weakened and using it will only make the damage worse.  Here are some ways the dentist may treat your damaged tooth, depending on how bad it is.

  • Chipped tooth – this may not be painful, depending how big the chip is and where on the tooth it is located. Treatment will vary depending on which tooth is damaged. Front teeth are highly visible so the dentist will attempt to make the tooth look like normal again. He can do this by placing a dental veneer over the top of the tooth, or he may make a crown to replace the missing chip. It is not likely the chip that came off will be usable, so don’t worry about keeping it. Very often a chip can be replaced with a dental filling that is the same colour as the natural tooth and shaped to look like the rest of the tooth. If it’s a large chip, it might be necessary for a post to be inserted into the remaining tooth to help hold the new part on.

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Addiction Treatment

What Makes Addiction Treatment Successful?

If you or a loved one have an addiction to any drug, it is essential to get treatment as soon as possible. The most successful type of treatment entails going to a residential drug and alcohol rehabilitation clinic such as Sivana Rehab so that health care providers can be on hand day and night to help you. There are several ways to make sure that addiction treatment is successful.

  • Seek treatment as early as possible. Even if you don’t think you are addicted it is highly likely that you are. Most people who take drugs don’t believe they are addicted until their health really starts to break down and by then it is too late to help them.
  • Get treatment from a residential drug rehab centre that also offers counselling. Taking drugs is a sign of something deeply emotional or psychological that has disturbed you. Without treating the cause of the problem you will be more likely to return to the habit. Besides this, removing yourself from the whole drug scene will give you a new perspective as well as removing the temptation to go back to old habits.
  • Most clinics treat a drug problem for 30 days after which the sufferer leaves and returns to their normal accommodation. However, drug addiction cannot be cured in this time. Like alcohol addiction it is something that the sufferer must grapple with for the rest of their life. It helps significantly if they can remain in a halfway house of some kind where they can get back to life as it was before the addiction and plan for study or work in a job. This way they can experience a certain amount of freedom yet have that care and help at hand whenever they need it. People who do this have the most success at getting over their addiction and remaining free of drugs for the rest of their life.

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Take Child to Dentist

Why You Should Take Your Child to the Dentist

It’s a good idea to take your child to the dental clinic at a young age so they get used to sitting in the chair and having someone look in their mouth.  According to Joondalup City Dental, it is best not to wait until there are decays to be fixed, but go as an introduction to the dentist rather than for any actual treatment. However, each child is different, so if yours is a shy child who doesn’t like strangers, wait until they are a bit older before taking them.

While it may seem unnecessary to take a child for no dental treatment, what you are doing is showing your child that there is nothing to fear, while encouraging them to understand how important it is to keep their teeth healthy by brushing and flossing correctly and regularly.

In addition, if they allow the dentist to look in their mouth, he can often catch a problem and rectify it before it gets any worse.  He can usually see at a glance if the teeth are crooked or overcrowded, the shape of the mouth and what is likely to happen as the child gets older. This is all good for you to know in advance so you can be prepared to have it fixed in due course.

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Physical Fitness For Students

There have been many research papers written on the topics of health – and other subjects too, of course. These are often written by university students as part of their studies and may contain fresh or groundbreaking news about medicines or new ways to treat certain diseases. However, when you are spending your whole time writing and studying you won’t be physically fit, so it’s wise not to suddenly undertake any exercise such as lifting heavy furniture.

If you need to move into a new flat as many students do, let the pro removalists like Brilliance Removalists Perth do all the hard work of loading the truck, otherwise you could easily strain muscles or put your back out and end up suffering pain for weeks.

Most students do a great deal of studying, often to the detriment of their health. Spending all their time poring over their lessons and assignments in order to get good grades means they don’t have enough time to play a sport, swim or get their body fit. They are often too tired to even think about jogging or running for exercise.

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Energy – What Is It?

Recently I was involved in a conversation between a physicist, Bill, and a former physician, Steve, who now does what he calls “energy healing.” I had a vague idea of what he meant by that, but Bill took umbrage. “The word ‘energy’ has a very precise meaning in physics and the physical sciences,” he said. “I see it bandied about in the most outlandish ways, to make it mean something it doesn’t. That really bothers me.” We went on a bit about this subject, and finally all agreed that there had to be another way to name what in the alternative healing field is commonly referred to as “energy,” as in energy healing, the energy in foods, good or bad energy, and so on and so forth.

To show you how extensive this argument is, let me quote from the online encyclopedia Wikipedia (under “energy”):

Non-Scientific Energy

The term “energy” is widely used in a spiritual or non-scientific way that cannot be quantified.

To mathematicians, engineers and scientists, the word “energy” has a strict and quantifiable definition. Any usage of the word that violates this definition must be termed pseudoscience. They argue that the mixing of the non-scientific and scientific definitions of the word creates confusion.

Examples of pseudoscience are mysticism and parapsychology in fields such as acupuncture and reiki. Paranormal researchers will often refer to “psychokinetic energy” when attempting to explain paranormal phenomena or the concept of a spirit or soul.

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The Mainstreaming of Natural Therapies

One medicine for all is historically a very recent development of the 20th Century. In the United States in the 1800’s, there were many different types or “schools” of medicine, including homeopaths, herbalists and many others, all of whom incorporated local folk remedies in their repertoire. Homeopathy became very popular during the 19th century, and claimed many adherents. In those days, medicine was practiced by all types of people, including many women, black, working class, and poorer people, so that all communities were served. There were sixteen women’s medical schools by and ten black medical colleges by 1900. The family doctor also knew folk remedies and herbal medicines, and had learned much from personal experience.

In 1917, Abraham Flexner came out with the “Flexner Report” which called for the standardization of medical education and practice, proposing that it should be built around laboratory science and clinical experience. In addition, it proposed standards of professional behavior, and the exclusion of women, black, and the poor from practice. Homeopathic doctors and herbalists were frozen out of the mainstream.

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Path to Healing

The first time I tried it I was about eight years old. My father had had a heart attack after World War II had ended and I was about six. We were living in Holland. In those days, people with heart disease were put in bed rest for months on end. My father used to get angina pains in his chest, and besides a nitroglycerine pill, he used the services of a woman to do laying-on of hands on him and take the pain away. It seemed to give him relief.

A couple of years later, because of all kinds of complicated circumstances, we emigrated to Argentina. There was no woman there to lay her hands on my Dad when he had chest pains. One day he was really suffering, and I felt really bad for him, so I decided to try. I put my hands on his chest and concentrated, wishing the pain away. Soon enough I began to feel a nasty pain creeping up my arms. Ah, I thought, so this is what it feels like. When it got to my elbows I did what I had seen the woman in Holland do I shook my hands to get it out, and lo and behold, the pain left me. My father said he felt better.

After that, I decided to use this new skill with great care, only when needed. I used it for my father, and occasionally for my brother when he had a headache. But then, when I was nineteen, my father died in my arms, and I decided that I wasn’t very good at this healing business, so I quit using it.

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